Saturday, September 17, 2011

And Finally, Some Pictures~

I'm excited to finally be able to show some pictures! It was weird setting up a classroom for middle schoolers, I had always dreamed about my cute 1st or 2nd grade classroom.  But I made do with what I had!
This is the front of my class, It slowly grew more and more colorful as I put up word wall words and added a few things but this is basically what it looks like.
The school is very strict on our "white board configuration.  Every board and subject has to look like this, but since I teach 2 subjects mine is a little more confusing.
My desk and the college corner.  It's in the front of the room also but I've realized I never sit at my desk :( It just holds my things until the end of the day.
This is my view most of the day.  Imagine all those seats filled, there's a lot of them!
My ancient civilizations posters and a place for current events. Each week students are required to do a current event.
Those charts are now full of kids names and the standards they either have or have not mastered.
My history word wall which now has about 25 words on it since we're done with Unit 1.  After each unit I add the words from the small word wall to this one.
And my English standards and posters.  Those will be filled up on Monday since they have now taken their first English Unit test.

Hope that gives you a glimpse of what I see every day.  I'll keep posting pictures to show how much it changes in a year!

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